Connecting to your data should be a simple process. However problems can arise, and there are some common steps you can take to address the most common issues.
Database Issues
Database issues arise when Verb cannot connect to your data source.
Connection Timeout
Verb attempted to connect to your database, but a timeout occurred after 30 seconds.
Possible Solutions
Make sure Verb's IP addresses are whitelisted.
Check the connection settings to verity username, password, port number, etc.
Access Denied
Verb attempted to connect to your database, but permission was not granted for the login
Possible Solutions
Make sure Verb's IP addresses are whitelisted.
Check the connection settings to verity username, password, port number, etc.
Server Not Available
Verb attempted to connect to your database, but the server does not appear to be online.
Possible Solutions
Verify your server is online
Check the connection settings to verity username, password, port number, etc.
Try connecting from an alternate source (Cloud provider, data management studio, etc.). If connection is verified, retry with Verb.
Unknown Error
Verb attempted to connect to your database, and no identifying details were provided.
Possible Solutions
View the full database error.
Contact support for assistance if your data source can be connected via other tools.
Table Issues
Not Available
The table could not be found in the data source. Check the data source to confirm that Verb has appropriate permissions. Then clear the error to resume syncing.
If the table has been renamed or removed from the data source, go to Sync Settings for all possible solutions.
Possible Solutions
Check the data source to confirm Verb has access to the table
Ensure the table still exists. If it does not, disable the table sync for this data source.
Check to see if the table was renamed.
Disable the table synchronization if no resolution is immediately identified.
Network Issue
There was a network issue when attempting to sync to this table.
Possible Solutions
Verify the security protocol configurations of the data source
Confirm the Verb user has access to this table
Ensure the Connections Settings are correct and they didn’t cause a timeout Then, clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is resolved.
Change Tracking Not Available
Verb was not able to sync using the Change Tracking sync method. Go to Sync Settings to update the sync method to one compatible with your data source. Or clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is already resolved.
Possible Solutions
Update the sync method to one compatible with your data source
Update your data source to support Change Tracking, then clear the error to re-enable synchronizing.
Change Data Capture Not Available
Verb was not able to sync using the Change Data Capture sync method. Go to Sync Settings to update the sync method to one compatible with your data source. Or clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is already resolved.
Possible Solutions
Update the sync method to one compatible with your data source
Update your data source to support Change Tracking, then clear the error to re-enable synchronizing.
Incremental Column Not Available
Verb was not able to sync using the Incremental Column sync method. Go to Sync Settings to change sync methods or to update the incremental sync method to use a different column. Or clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is already resolved."
Possible Solutions
Confirm the incremental column used on this table was not edited in your database.
Update your sync settings to change the table's sync method.
Unknown Available
Something is preventing Verb from syncing this table. Confirm that everything is okay with it in the data source. Then go to Sync Settings for possible solutions. Or clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is already resolved.
Column Issues
Column issues arise when a schema column has changed in a way Verb cannot automatically recover from.
Data Type Changed
This column has a different data type from what is set in Verb. Go to Sync Settings for possible solutions. Or clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is already resolved.
Possible Solutions
Check the table in your database to fix the problem with the column at the source then clear the Verb error to enable syncing.
Edit the columns to turn off syncing on the missing column.
Not Available
This column has a different data type from what is set in Verb. Go to Sync Settings for possible solutions. Or clear the error to resume syncing and see if the issue is already resolved.
Possible Solutions
Edit columns to turn off synchronization on the affected column.
Turn off column sync, update the column type, then turn it on again and re-sync with the new data type.
Last updated
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