Release Notes

We continue to add new features, check out what we've added

January 2023

Data Source Dependencies

When tables and columns (objects and properties) are removed from a data source the downstream effects are made available in the model and collection sections. For example, if a column is removed from the data source and it was used in the model (joining data, transforming data, or Row-level security segmentation) or in the collection on a filter or tile, admins will be alerting and given the ability to swap columns to remediate the issues.

Removing Tables and Deleting Views

The issue inhibiting the removal of tables and deletion of views has been fixed. Additionally, you may run a dependency check to find any downstream impacts in transformations or collections.

Collection and Tile Configuration Updates

Pivot Tables - Column Headers when 1 Value

The system will hide the value column headers when there is only 1 value field so that there is less redundancy in the visualization.

Table Tiles - Display Duplicate Row

There is a new configuration option to show or hide duplicate rows on table tiles. By default, duplicates are shown.

Date Filter Presets

New Date Filter presets are available for admins to activate for the end-users. The new options are

  • Daily - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

  • Weekly - This Week (Mon - Sun), Last Week (Mon - Sun), This Week (Sun - Sat), Last Week (Sun - Sat)

December 2022

Tile Updates

Table Tile - Column Filtering

Allow end-users to search and filter columns within a table tile. The filter options are specific to the column's data type for better user experience.

KPI Sparkline Tile

Create a KPI tile that includes a trendline or sparkline chart. This creates more visual interest in your dashboards and tiles.

Funnel Diagram - Custom Sorting

Sort funnel stages at the tile level to ensure that the funnel chart shows the proper event paths for the data displayed.

Tile Action Updates

Additive Filtering on Open New Tile Actions - Table Tiles

When creating an Open New Tile Action select how the action fields will be used in filtering the child tile using additive or exclusive filter logic. Additive Filter Logic will apply all configured filter values to the child tile when the end-user selects any active field on the row. Exclusive Filter Logic will apply only the selected value as a filter on the child tile when the end-user selects the field in the table.

November 2022

Tile Updates

CSS Classes on Dimensions and Categories

On embedded collections target dimensions and categories to control styling. For example, apply a specific color to categories in a bar chart that relate to other configuration data in your platform.

Scatter and Bubble Plot Reference Lines

Add reference lines to your charts to help with trend analysis.

Box Plot - New Tile

Our Box Plot chart is now generally available.

Tables - Conditional Formatting

Apply styling to table tiles based on the conditions applied. This is available on table tiles, on the display tab.

Download/Export Progress

When downloading data or visual exports users will see a progress indicator to give insight into the download progress. This will help for those especially large reports!

Null Styling

When presenting data that is represented as Null or empty in the database, Null styling allows you to select the text that displays if there is a null value. This is available on the field configuration panel on tiles.

Group By Date (Past/Future)

You can now group tiles visually into Past/Future. Learn more here.

General Updates

Text Filter Styling and Functionality

Improvements to the dashboard collection text filtering UX and query performance. If you have a text filter live, the enhancements will automatically be applied.

Debugging Support

Data not showing as expected in your tiles? The debug feature breaks down the data query step by step giving you a view into the data at each step. This will help identify where the data deviates from your expected output.

Designate Primary Keys

This feature allows you to designate a field as a primary on a data source table that does not contain a primary key. This enables transformations to be built on tables that don't have an established primary key. To add a primary key to a table go to the data source, sync settings section, then open the column panel. Once this is set, the model will all for calculated columns and aggregated measures to be set on these tables.

October 2022

Performance Updates

Updates to the client-side query process to increase query capacity and speed. Dashboard Collections load faster

Refresh Interval - Embedded Collections

Set the refresh interval for embedded dashboards that will automatically refresh the data shown.

September 2022

Table Tile - Comparisons

Add comparison values to table tiles without any data transformation! You can add a comparison value as an absolute or percent change.

Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts

Help your end-users identify patterns in their pattern with Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts. Scatter Plots may also be grouped to show multiple categories through colors and shapes.

Live Currency Conversion

With Verb's newest currency conversion feature your users can set their own exchange rates and view their internal currencies in a shared currency. The flexibility of this feature is unique and does not require stored exchange rates, only an ISO code to designate the stored currency type per value.

Learn more in the Currency Conversion section.

Tile Actions

We've added the ability to create cross filters on table tiles. See the Tile Actions Section to learn more about the Filter Data Tile Action

Dashboard Filtering

Multiple Fields per Filter

Display a single filter type that combines multiple fields. For example, your end-users may want to filter on a person's name however names come from different fields when their are customer accounts and admin accounts. Combine these filters into a single text filter and label it "Name". This provides a better user experience for the end-user and simplifies the number of filters they have to manage.

To add a second field to an existing filter open the dashboard filter and select the "Add Field" button in the left panel.

Filter Application - Hidden Filters

Hidden Filters are now applied first then visible filters. This helps limit incorrect data from showing in visible filter lists.

PDF Download

You can now include the filter set in the PDF download to give users more information in their printouts.

Tile Updates

Tile Title Alignment

Change the position of Tile Titles from Left Aligned to Center Aligned. This is set at the tile level in the Tile Title Section

KPI Updates

KPI Icons - Add an icon to Single KPI Tiles to create more visual interest and your draw users' attention. You can select an icon from FontAwesome or link to a custom icon of your own.

KPI Alignment - KPI values can now be left, center, or right aligned to give more flexibility.

KPI Title Position - KPI Tile Titles and Icons can be placed in the Top or Bottom of the Tile to create more visual interest and draw attention where needed.

KPI Spacing - We've updated the KPI spacing rules to ensure the layout works in more scenarios

August 2022

Enable your end-users to export an image of their entire dashboard. Make this option available on the dashboard collection filter tab with the Print to PDF toggle.

Date Filters - Range Limits

On your date filters, you can now configure the minimum and maximum date ranges available for your end-users. To configure this option, open the date filter in your dashboard collection.

iFrame Active Authentication

You can now use the active authentication features with our iFrame embed. New docs will be released soon!

New Aggregation Types

We've added the ability to count by boolean types and null values.

July 2022

New Chart/Tile Types

Text Tile - Create tiles with a static message for your users. You can format your text with mark-down styling.

Section Title Tile - Create sections within a dashboard collection with the Section Title Tile. This tile will always be full width on the dashboard. In the future, we may add more granular control.

Data Source Management

The data source management section was completely revamped to show more information and better error remediation functionality. See the Data Synchronization docs for more details.

Flat File Mapping

When importing flat files you may add new versions to existing files. When adding a new version you can now map columns across versions and add new sheets and columns to the file.

June 2022

New Chart/Tile Types

Maps - Visualize your data geographically!

Funnels - Event data can be displayed as a funnel chart to show conversions through a funnel.

Venn Diagrams - Compare data and overlapping information with Venn Diagrams.

New Tile Actions

Control Filters (Cross Filtering)

Use chart data to filter the rest of your dashboard. For example, an end-user can select a date range on a time series chart and the rest of the tiles on the dashboard will filter to display data only from that time frame.

Navigate To (Interactions)

Use dashboards to launch your users into the rest of your application with the Navigate to URL or Execute Javascript Tile Actions. These actions are contextual so that the URL template or Javascript parameters will pass values based on the values the user selects. For example, the user may select a customer name from a table tile, this can redirect the user to the customer profile section of your application or open a modal with customer details.

Dashboard Filter Improvements

Enable end-user ability to turn off filters or include blanks in their fitler criteria. This also include some UX enhancements for your end-users.

May 2022

Limit Within Dimensions

On Bar Charts you can now limit groups within each dimension or across all dimensions. This means that each bar can show the top 5 groups per dimension instead of the top 5 groups from the entire data set. This option is on the Tile Data Tab.

Preview Profiles

Create a Profile to view data and test row-level security. You can create a Preview Profile from the Preview section of a Collection. These profiles use static values to apply your row-level security rules and are available on any collection in your environment.

Multi-Factor Authentication

MFA is now required for accounts to enhance customer security. The default option is an authenticator app but you may add SMS as a backup.

Currency Symbol Override

Update the currency symbol displayed by passing the appropriate symbol via SDK. This works like timezone conversions and design theme overrides.

Reusing Aggregated Measures in Data Views

When selecting input columns for Data View transformations, aggregated measures are now available as an option. For more information on aggregated measures see the documentation here.

April 2022

Pivot Tables

Displaying data just got easier with Pivot Table Tiles!

Slack Notifications

Get Notified of any errors in your Slack workspace. To see how to set up these alerts check out the documentation here.

Time Zone Conversion

Give users the option to control the timezone in which they view data. By Default data is in UTC but their local browser time is always available as the next option.

If desired, time zones may be controlled via SDK. View docs here

February 2022

Design Theme Enhancements

Apply design themes to the same collection based on the end-user viewing the dashboard. This will make it simpler to customize the experience for end-users without requiring duplication of dashboards.

Learn more about how design themes work


There are 2 new integrations available this month

  • Firebase - Cloud Firestore - Build your customer-facing dashboards on top of Firestore in a few minutes.

  • Snowflake - Build a better, more performant dashboard by bringing data together from Snowflake and your application databases.

January 2022

Reference Lines

Add reference lines to axis charts to display aggregate values, goals, and trends.


Build your customer-facing dashboards on top of Supabase. See the Verb Supabase Docs

December 2021

Tile Actions

Tile Actions make your collections… actionable. End-users will be able to drill into data, expand tiles, control filters and navigate to other areas of your system. The goal is to make Verb collections feel even more native to your system and give your end-users the ability to discover more. We will be releasing the tile action features in steps. The first available is “Open New Tile”.

Open New Tile will allow your users to select a dimension or category and open a secondary (or child) tile with more information. This secondary tile will display data based on the field selected on the primary (parent) tile.

For example, If we show a bar chart, our user can click that bar and a new tile will open to show data for that bar’s contents.

Check out this video on how to set up an “Open New Tile” Tile Action.

Collection Updates

Add/Remove Rows in the Dashboard Grid

We have made organizing your collection easier with the ability to Add and Remove Rows to the dashboard grid. A plus sign for insert, trash can for delete.

Container Tile, Min Height 3

Containers can now be smaller to better fit into your collection design. Now the containers can be only 3 rows high (instead of 5).

Add New Relative Date Options on Date Filters

Added the ability to filter over the last full week (Sunday- Saturday), as well as the last full month (1st – end). Keep your views consistent based on full week or month data.

Y axis Reset on Cloned Collection.

The Axis will not reset when you have clones. This should help those with a large number of similar collections.

Date Picker issues and Filter Issues

We’ve addressed issues with the date pickers for filters, which should make picking desired dates smoother, and we have simplified how to “apply” to save you a few clicks.

Nested Filters

Dashboard filters are now nested which means that when a filter is applied, the other dashboard filters will only show options that are available for the current results.

For example, if a dashboard date range filter is applied for January the next filter showing Federal Holidays will show MLK Jr. Day in the list but it will not show Christmas because MLK Jr. Day is the only federal holiday in January.

November 2021

System Performance

Collection Publish Process Changes

We’ve altered the publish process to improve the load times of your embedded collections. We expect that you will see significant improvements in the speed of the published/embedded collections.

The publish process may take longer if you have a lot of data in your collection. We included a progress indicator in the collection so that you can follow along if you really want to.

We strongly encourage you to use the recently added collection Preview option instead of publishing every change.

System Level

API Collections - Active Authentication

Previously, the API Collections used Static Auth. You can now use the same auth parameters that are used on dashboards with APIs. This increases the usability of the API collections across many tenants of your application.

Folder Management -

Use folders on Data Sources and Models We’ve added folders to help you organize your data sources and models more easily. Marie Kondo would be proud!

Model and Transformations

You can now expand the data preview tab on the model to a full page view for easier viewing.

We adding searching to the columns which will return the top 100 rows that meet the search criteria (It does not just search the displayed data)

Renaming Columns

On the Select Columns step in a transformation, you can now rename columns for better management and to eliminate duplicates.

Collection Updates

  • Multi-Axis Options

    • We’ve added a new option to treat multiple measures as independent axes on bar and line charts. You no longer need to group measures or use the Alternate Axis option.

    • To use this feature

      • First, add the fields in the measure and join them using an “OR”

      • Then, on the the display tab of the tile, select Independent Axes on the Multiple Axis Options dropdown in the Display Section.

Loading Animation

We’ve updated the loading animation on all tiles to improve the UI design and overall user experience. Let us know what you think!

End-User Data Export - Increased Max Rows

We’ve updated the max number of rows included in the tile data export from 10K to 500K.

Design System Updates

We’re continuing to refine our design system to help keep our UI clean and consistent. You may notice new table and button styles. Please let us know if you see any weirdness.

October 2021

Environment/System Level

Embedding with iFrames

We still suggest embedding via SDK when possible but you can now embed dashboards with an iFrame and segment data with iFrame keys. To access this go to the Settings section in your environment.

Back button in Header

It’s a minor update but the back button in the navigation header will bring you back to the environment section you were previously on with the previous search results instead of always bringing you to the overview section.

Data Sources

Version static files

You can upload new versions of the same static file. We will be adding additional validation soon so please ensure that your file has the same columns and column naming for now.

We will also add column mapping as part of the versioning process in the near future.

New Integrations

Outbound APIs

Connect to a RESTful API with our Outbound API connection.

If you know anyone using Elastic let them know about our newest integration.

Google Big Query

If you know anyone using BigQuery let them know about Verb.


Preview Data - See the first 100 rows of any table in your model.

Advanced Search (coming soon) - You will be able to search the table data beyond the first 100 rows.

Aggregated Measures - Special type of calculated column that’s aggregated against the resulting data set during visualization instead of per row

Useful when you need to calculate an aggregate (i.e. average) taking into account all filters and groupings. For example, calculating a conversion rate on a data set of events needs to happen on all rows that are part of the resulting query instead of per-row.

Transformations (Views and Columns)

Paste Map Values

To save time when mapping values you can past in values from a spreadsheet.


Preview function - You can now view a live preview of a collection in a separate tab.

Responsive previews - see how collections will look on multiple screen widths

Preview Profiles (coming soon) - You will be able to apply the row-level security rules with a static profile using the request parameters. This means you can preview your dashboard and the data as a user would see it before publishing or embedding.

Video Explanation -

Editing View

The filters tab and the collection tab are now the same editing view. This makes editing collections a bit more fluid.

Axis Scale

You can now select between linear and logarithmic scales on axis charts.

  • Filters

    • Styling

      • We’ve updated the filter styles to inherit more properties from your design theme so it matches your collection.

      • The filter section now has formating options to control the wrapping of filters and there’s a new ‘more’ button option when there are many filters on your collection.

      • Hidden filters are no longer shown to admins in the filter area. There is a small flap in the top right to access these filter options in case you want to edit the default.

    • Filter Control Styles

      • There are new filter design options

        • Text filters

          • Improved multi-select functionality

          • Button List

          • Radio buttons

        • Number Filters

          • Slider

      • Ordering and organizing filters

        • The filter panel now allows you to organize filters easily with drag and drop functionality. Depending on the type of embedded filter display the options for filter locations may be different.

    • Embed options (coming soon)

      • We are improving the embedding options by adding additional functionality.

        • Embed With Collection - this includes the filters in the same embed code as the dashboard tiles.

        • Separate filter script - this will provide a second script in the embed instructions to allow a filter to be embedded separately from the tiles.

        • Control via SDK - filters will not render in the embed script. Your system will be responsible for passing these values.

          • When this is enabled there will be a small flap in the top right of the collection editor that opens a modal to configure filters and see the results while editing the collection.

Tile Edit Mode

When editing a tile you can now control the dashboard level filters to see how the impact the tile. If this tile is not connected to the filter then the filter will be disabled.

Download Report in the filter area

You can add a download report button to the filter area of a dashboard. This keeps things a little more organized.

You can add multiple reports to the same download filter button in the filter area. This means that when the end-user selects the download button they will be prompted with a selection of which report they want to download.

Video Explanation -

Last updated

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