Manipulate Text

Enables changes to text strings for a specific column within the selected table. The results can either Override Input Column, or create a new Column.

The available functions include:

Change Case

Changes all values to the selected case style:

  • lower case,


  • Capitalize Case (Title Case)


Removes text from beginning, end, or both beginning and end of the text string based on the selected character(s).

Common characters include Space, Semicolon, Comma, Tab. Multiple inputs can be selected. Selecting Other enables trimming based on unique inputs as needed.

Combine text

Enables combining values from columns within the selected table into a new column. All value types may be combined into the resulting text string and number values will be converted into text format. Values can have no separation or be separated by a selected character.

Extract (substring)

Extract text substring from column values by specifying starting position and the exact length of desired substring.

Output the results as a new column or override the input column.

Extract Domain from Email

Extracts the domain name from the selected column by searching for the “@” symbol. If the input text is not a valid email address, the results will be null.

Output the results as a new column or overrides the input column.


Extracts the left most characters from the selected column text string. Select the length of the extracted string by choosing a static value or input a column with integers defining the length of the desired extracted text.

Output the results as a new column or override the input column.


Returns the length of the value in the selected column. Results are output into a new column within the selected table.


Allows addition of specified number of characters to the left or right side of the input value. Select the desired string length and input a single character to be used for padding text strings which are shorter than the desired length. Output the results as a new column or override the input column.

Extracts the Right most characters from the selected column text string. Select the length of the extracted string by choosing a static value or input a column with integers defining the length of the desired extracted text.

Output the results as a new column or override the input column.


Enables splitting out text strings into a desired number of columns based on a selected character.

Results are output into new columns with the option to discard remaining text or to add remaining values to the final column.

Example with 3 new columns: “This - Text - Will be - Split - Up”

Left over values to the last column

Left over values discarded

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